It’s been an absorbing and revitalizing two months. I apologize for the silence and beg your forgiveness. No excuses, simply cocooning.

November in Sicily was spectacular. The island is like a country all its own. I liken Sicily to an exclamation point!!! The people, landscape and language gave me the sense, I’d reached a significant turning point in my life journey. I have several stories I’d like to share with you, however, I’ll save them for another post. If you ever find yourself in southern Italy, I’d nominate Sicily in a heartbeat.

I had the great fortune to sojourn in the lovely home of: Villa Paladino Solunto. My gentle hosts offer private residences in a tranquil garden, walking distance from the petite village of Santa Flavia. The vivacious city of Palermo is a quick train ride south.

(my best chipmunk impression)

The serene hills and idyllic location gave me the much needed inspiration and hush I require to write. I discovered something about myself as I watched the sun rise and set on the hills of Sicily. My creativity thrives on structure and tranquility. I’ve always known I tend to retreat into my cave when I’m processing life events, however, I mistakenly thought I’d transformed into a social butterfly after my metamorphosis on The Camino. No such luck, adoration for solitude is deeply woven within the fabric of my personality.

Armed with an awareness of my introverted creative nature, I made a decision concerning my year long trip overseas. Only two snags in rerouting my travel-trajectory:

1) Christmas, was fast approaching and

2) My daughters, grandbabies and mother were assembling in Barcelona for the holiday.

I knew it would be a unique opportunity to create a Traditional Canadian Christmas in a Spanish oasis. What seemed like an simple task turned into a odyssey of epic yet amusing proportions.

•The sent of fresh cut Pine, turned into our first ever tree in-a-box.

•Our family tradition of sipping nutmeg sprinkled eggnog while decorating the tree, became an interesting mix of google translated ingredients tasting a little like rum laced custard.

•Our Chinese Food on Christmas Eve had a unique Mediterranean flare

•Christmas Day carollers singing in Spanish, Catalan or English bring joy to my world .

•Santa climbs up balconies not down chimneys

•2 year olds are obsessed with trees… period!

•Stars NOT Angels adorn the top of trees in Spain. We’ve had a angel for decades, it’s tradition. A star didn’t feel right, so our Spanish treetop remained bare

•Love transcends language barriers and cultural difference. We experience love through energy, you’ll recognized it when you feel it, see it or give it.


With the holiday over and the New Year in bloom, my compass recalibrates in the direction of home.

Home to concentrate on writing.

Home to connect with friends

Home to listen as my heart speaks in it’s native tongue, gesturing where my life purpose will lead.



About Italian Living

I'm an interior decorator from Canada. I own a design firm. I have three grown daughters who are confidant women living busy lives. I love my family my friends and my life, however, something is missing. December 3rd, my eyes open at 3:33 a.m. It's time to fulfill my lifelong dream of living in Italy..... I rent my house, pack my bags, say a final farewell to all the people I love most in this world and hop on a plane January 13th.... alone. This is my story...
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  1. Agnes McLin says:


    Just finished reading old book of Earnest Hemingway * The Movable Feast* about his early life 1920-26 in Paris.You might enjoy his notes about that period of his life and trying to find space and time to write.

    Auntie Agnes

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Auntie Agnes, I’m curious as to his process.
    I appreciate you thinking of me and passing on your advice…. 🙂


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